手邊需要一邊裁切圖片,另外一頭要複製影像尺寸,因此寫了這個 ActionScript
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.CM; var w = app.activeDocument.width; var h = app.activeDocument.height; var white = new SolidColor(); numW=Math.ceil(w*10)/10; numH=Math.ceil(h*10)/10; var message=numW+"*"+numH+"公分"; var folderForTempFiles = Folder.temp.fsName; var text=message; // create a new textfile and put the text into it var clipTxtFile =new File(folderForTempFiles + "/ClipBoard.txt"); clipTxtFile.open('w'); clipTxtFile.write(text); clipTxtFile.close(); // use the clip.exe to copy the contents of the textfile to the windows clipboard var clipBatFile =new File(folderForTempFiles + "/ClipBoard.bat"); clipBatFile.open('w'); clipBatFile.writeln("type \"" + folderForTempFiles + "\\" + "ClipBoard.txt\" | clip"); clipBatFile.close(); clipBatFile.execute();