- 讓裁切尺寸不限定在正方形,而是固定的幾種尺寸
- 記住前一個開啟檔案的名稱到剪貼簿,你可以快速命名
- 它記住的是 PhotoShop 前一個分頁的名稱,可能不是來源圖檔
- 使用 batch 將檔名從 PhotoShop 引到剪貼簿,因此會看到命令提示視窗短時間跳出來
- Windows XP 使用者請下載 Clip.exe 放到 Windows 目錄底下
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; var w = app.activeDocument.width; var h = app.activeDocument.height; var white = new SolidColor(); white.rgb.hexValue = "FFFFFF"; app.backgroundColor = white; numW=Math.ceil(w/80) * 75; numH=Math.ceil(h/80) * 75; app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas (numW, numH); // strip the extension off var newfile = app.activeDocument; if(documents.length>0) { var thisIndexImage = getActiveDocumentIndex(); var theDocs = app.documents; if ( thisIndexImage != 0 ) { var openedBefore = theDocs[thisIndexImage - 1]; } else { var openedBefore = theDocs[0]; } app.activeDocument = openedBefore; } else { alert ("You need to have any opened documents to apply this script.") } function getActiveDocumentIndex(){ var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") ); return desc = executeActionGet(ref).getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('itemIndex'))-1; } var docRef = app.activeDocument; var fileNameNoExtension = docRef.name; fileNameNoExtension = fileNameNoExtension.split( "." ); if ( fileNameNoExtension.length > 1 ) { fileNameNoExtension.length--; } fileNameNoExtension = fileNameNoExtension.join("."); app.activeDocument =newfile; var folderForTempFiles = Folder.temp.fsName; // create a new textfile and put the text into it var text = fileNameNoExtension var clipTxtFile =new File(folderForTempFiles + "/ClipBoard.txt"); clipTxtFile.open('w'); clipTxtFile.write(text); clipTxtFile.close(); // use the clip.exe to copy the contents of the textfile to the windows clipboard var clipBatFile =new File(folderForTempFiles + "/ClipBoard.bat"); clipBatFile.open('w'); clipBatFile.writeln("type \"" + folderForTempFiles + "\\" + "ClipBoard.txt\" | clip"); clipBatFile.close(); clipBatFile.execute();