I hold on a simple idea, to accelerated the speed of reading, when designing the latest web pages. For example, keep the number of column in the table less than seven, and export data that read less to be PDF files. Let's forget past column-like design of news broadcast, I pick up the list format in the table. The purpose similar to PDF, only the reader necessary to click the link to download information, don't push so much information into everyone's head.
The site has almost done the typesetting, but the percent of process in art designing is zero. Unlike another people trying to draw some excellent background and icon, I don't have any talent of art. The idea of creating was gave up after one hour to search free software. I decide to use the icon with creative commons, that will economize on the time of creative. Thanks God, there are so much people share there creation willingness.
Now, I have a question. "Will the free resources terminate the motivator of share?" There is my reason. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, and someone has shared what you want. No one create, no increasing on the same field. Here is my answer for the question. Let me be a example, I major in writing HTML, whether good or not, I still can create kinds of model. In another way to design icon, it just decrease the level of output. It's the problem of efficient or not.
Using the resources with creative commons, I economize many time that unnecessary to waste. I don't need to share another graphic after I used one. To know what you can do better than others, and keep in feedback to the world. Do not stand outside uncertainly, just creating and enjoy.
I hold on a simple idea, to accelerated the speed of reading, when designing the latest web pages. For example, keep the number of column in the table less than seven, and export data that read less to be PDF files. Let's forget past column-like design of news broadcast, I pick up the list format in the table. The purpose similar to PDF, only the reader necessary to click the link to download information, don't push so much information into everyone's head.
The site has almost done the typesetting, but the percent of process in art designing is zero. Unlike another people trying to draw some excellent background and icon, I don't have any talent of art. The idea of creating was gave up after one hour to search free software. I decide to use the icon with creative commons, that will economize on the time of creative. Thanks God, there are so much people share there creation willingness.
Now, I have a question. "Will the free resources terminate the motivator of share?" There is my reason. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, and someone has shared what you want. No one create, no increasing on the same field. Here is my answer for the question. Let me be a example, I major in writing HTML, whether good or not, I still can create kinds of model. In another way to design icon, it just decrease the level of output. It's the problem of efficient or not.
Using the resources with creative commons, I economize many time that unnecessary to waste. I don't need to share another graphic after I used one. To know what you can do better than others, and keep in feedback to the world. Do not stand outside uncertainly, just creating and enjoy.